Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trip to Columbus Zoo Part 1

Took the kids to the zoo on Wednesday August 5 and they had the very cool opportunity to feed these birds..

Flowers at my house..

I recently took some pictures of the flowers around my house. Some are a little dark, I'm going to lighten them up later but wanted to share 'as-is'.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Train pics

Nature Close-ups


Here are some of my beginner lightning photos I took recently. I was standing on my porch and took long exposure shots. I ended up turning the photos to black and white to clean them up a bit, and because I like how it looks.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway

I was graced with a Cold pass before the race weekend just this past weekend and was able to take some photos. I'm cleaning up some of them but here is one that I took that I like 'as is'.
